Friday, April 8, 2011


Well things have been crazy as always here in Bozeman over they last 4 months. Dan is doing well in his engineering classes and he really likes them. He is known to all of his teachers as the one who is always in the study center and a hard worker. That is a great thing for your teachers know you for :)

Work for me is still work, not much change in hours or work load. Working 10 to 12 hour days and busy for all of those hours. I am really hoping for things to change, but I am not holding my breath. We just really need a 3rd person and to restructure the teams, then we could have a reasonable work load and we might be able to have a life outside of work.

I took some gardening classes over the last month and I have learned a lot for the garden I am going to start. Living in family graduate housing lets us be able to rent plots of land for a garden in the spring through the fall. I got a 20x20 plot to plant what ever I want! I am so excited to learn how to grow stuff and to have our own vegetables fresh from the garden. I have also been reading lots of books and learning that the growing season is so short here you have to buy specific short season crops (as I am typing it has been snowing for over 24 hours and will snow through the night and it is April). I am also starting all my plants from seed in the house under grow lights, I hope I don't mess things up too much, this being my first garden.

We went home to Washington for Christmas this year, the first time in 3 years I have been home for Christmas. We had a great time seeing family and relaxing for a whole week. The Thornton's Christmas was great as always, with a poker game that got out of control with a huge money pot with Dan dealing and the latest motion gaming system to watch everyone make a fool of themselves. It was also Dans first Christmas with my family and he did great with everyone there.
Dan also finished his first semester back in school I think on the deans list (or something like that for smart people)for good grades. I am so proud of him for going back to school for such a hard degree and working so hard.
Well that is all I can think about right now with an update, I will try and do better with summer coming and having a little more time. I wish had my sisters blogging skills, she is amazing.

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