Monday, July 14, 2008


Well as most of you know I am getting married in only 13 days. It has come up fast. Last night I sat down and wrote out my wedding vows and that made it all really real. I cannot bealive that I am getting married, at one point in my life I felt like I never would.

Now I have the best man in the whole world and all I had to do was open my eyes and he was right there in front of me.

Things have been crazy at work and getting things done for the wedding. We are hiring some one new in the weight room so that has been stressful and I have had to get all my programs for my kids done early because of the wedding. It will be so great to have over a week off.

I also cannot wait for 3 days at Ocean Shores relaxing. Thanks Mom and Dad for the honey moon.

Well I need to get back to work I will update you all more when I have a second.

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